OpenGovChicago Meetup: Open Data, Chicago, and the Return EveryBlock

Tonight, we will be hosting the OpenGovChicago meetup, Open Data, Chicago, and EveryBlock  at the Chicago Community Trust. If you have questions for the speakers, enter them here in this document and come back to this post at 6PM CST for a Google Live Hangout. Questions? Daniel X. O’Neil, [email protected].

Here’s info on speakers:

Paul Wright: Director, Local Media Development, Comcast. Paul is the day-to-day leader of EveryBlock and has led the relaunch efforts. He’ll talk about the relaunch and how it got done.

Sheila Willard: SVP Local Media Development, Comcast. Sheila leads the unit under which EveryBlock is being managed. Sheila will talk about the importance of EveryBlock to Comcast.

Matt Summy: Regional Vice President, External & Government Affairs, Comcast Greater Chicago Region. Matt has worked closely with the EveryBlock team to relaunch in its hometown. He’ll talk about his role in bringing EveryBlock back to Chicago.

opengovchicago-logo-meetupThis meetup is filling to capacity very quickly, and we expect the Hangout to be very popular. The livestream will occur right in this blog post on the night of the event.

If you are signed up for the event, please be sure to keep your RSVP status updated– if something changes, please change your status so someone from the waitlist can be automatically added.

If you are interested in this event, it’s very important that you sign up on Meetup and join the OpenGovChicago group, This will ensure that you get communications about this and other topical events.

Meantime,  use this document for your questions for our speakers.

With these tools, and robust communication among us before and after the event, we hope to make remote participation as meaningful as in-person.

Let’s do this.

Hack Night Live: CivicLab

Today is the first Chicago OpenGov Hack Night of 2014!

Benjamin Sugar will introduce us to CivicLab, a new space that has opened up in Chicago to encourage ‘civic making.’ He’ll also touch on the intersection of civic media and it’s relationship to activism and community organizing.

As always, we’ll be live streaming the event right here on this blog. The live stream will start at about 6:15 CST.