Wired Magazine on OpenGrid and Open 311

HWired Magazine Logoere’s a great post about OpenGrid in Wired Magazine today: Conquer Chicago’s Mountain of Data With This Powerful Tool. Here’s a snip about the vast amount of data in the City’s 311 system:

Berman explains that most of the data on OpenGrid is administrative data collected from city systems—like 311 City Services—that are already in place. In essence, these systems are pulling double duty as a civic service and a data funnel. Every time someone calls 311 to complain about noise level, that information is passed on to OpenGrid.

Smart Chicago funded and helped run the creation of the Open 311 system back in 2012.

1 Response

  1. Judy Schalick January 27, 2016 / 6:22 pm

    Great model.

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