Update Your Location on WeConnectChicago.org!

If you work in or provide computer training at the library, a workforce center, a city college, a public housing development, a public computer center or community technology center or are involved in marketing or community outreach at any of these agencies—we want your help!

If you work in or provide computer training at the library, a workforce center, a city college, a public housing development, a public computer center or community technology center or are involved in marketing or community outreach at any of these agencies—we want your help!

If you work in or provide computer training at the library, a workforce center, a city college, a public housing development, a public computer center or community technology center or are involved in marketing or community outreach at any of these agencies—we want your help!

If you work in or provide computer training at the library, a workforce center, a city college, a public housing development, a public computer center or community technology center or are involved in marketing or community outreach at any of these agencies—we want your help!

Using the City of Chicago’s Tech Locator as a base, the Connect Chicago team set out to create a comprehensive database of free public computer centers and technology training in Chicago. With help from our partners and lots of Googling, we think we’ve built a great resource: a searchable, filterable online database of the more than 250 places that Chicagoans can access technology resources for free.

But the people who run those places and teach technology skills on a daily basis are the ones who really know what’s happening. That’s why we’re asking all Connect Chicago partners to help us update and improve our Locations database.

Click here to request access to update your location.

With your help, we can better extend technology access in our city and continue to close the digital divide.

Using the City of Chicago’s Tech Locator as a base, the Connect Chicago team set out to create a comprehensive database of free public computer centers and technology training in Chicago. With help from our partners and lots of Googling, we think we’ve built a great resource: a searchable, filterable online database of the more than 250 places that Chicagoans can access technology resources for free.

But the people who run those places and teach technology skills on a daily basis are the ones who really know what’s happening. That’s why we’re asking all Connect Chicago partners to help us update and improve our Locations database.

Click here to request access to update your location.

With your help, we can better extend technology access in our city and continue to close the digital divide.

Using the City of Chicago’s Tech Locator as a base, the Connect Chicago team set out to create a comprehensive database of free public computer centers and technology training in Chicago. With help from our partners and lots of Googling, we think we’ve built a great resource: a searchable, filterable online database of the more than 250 places that Chicagoans can access technology resources for free.

But the people who run those places and teach technology skills on a daily basis are the ones who really know what’s happening. That’s why we’re asking all Connect Chicago partners to help us update and improve our Locations database.

Click here to request access to update your location.

With your help, we can better extend technology access in our city and continue to close the digital divide.

Using the City of Chicago’s Tech Locator as a base, the Connect Chicago team set out to create a comprehensive database of free public computer centers and technology training in Chicago. With help from our partners and lots of Googling, we think we’ve built a great resource: a searchable, filterable online database of the more than 250 places that Chicagoans can access technology resources for free.

But the people who run those places and teach technology skills on a daily basis are the ones who really know what’s happening. That’s why we’re asking all Connect Chicago partners to help us update and improve our Locations database.

Click here to request access to update your location.

With your help, we can better extend technology access in our city and continue to close the digital divide.